Monday, February 10, 2014

Burrus Building


To begin this comprehensive analysis of Kennesaw State Universities bathrooms, Joel P. and I have decided to start with the familiar.
Burrus building has a fair number of bathrooms, with only one per floor, all of them have a sufficient number of stalls and urinals at around 6 per bathroom. The Burrus bathrooms did not fair so well in the department of cleanliness and atmosphere, the bathrooms seem dark, clustered and kinda filthy. The good thing is that the bathrooms in Burris never seem too crowded, despite so few bathrooms in the building. 
All-in-all we would give the Bathrooms in Burrus 3/5 stars, don't avoid them but certainly don't go looking for them either.

Pro tips: the third floor has the best bathroom, the lowest amount of traffic besides the fourth floor (which is always pretty gross). You may find "privacy locks" on the bathroom doors in Burrus, so if you really need a whole bathroom to yourself go ahead and flip the lock, but expect some consequences. 
