Monday, April 28, 2014

President Daniel Papp's 5th Floor


Finally we have made it. This may very well be our last post, none the less it is the pinnacle of our blog. We have built up long enough and finally have a bathroom that is worth your time to read about. You may have noticed that the stars above are gold, and they are for good reason. 

When Joel and I started the blog, we joked that it would be great if we could visit the fifth floor of Kennesaw Hall to see the bathrooms. So on a whim Plunkett emailed Papp's assistant with a request. Much to our surprise we actually received a reply. After a few emails back and forth, April 21st we were given permission to make a visit to the fifth floor of Kennesaw Hall and review the coveted bathrooms.    

The Bathrooms were great, what else would you expect? The bathroom tiles were so clean you could eat off them. This is the only bathroom on campus that received a perfect score across the board according to our metrics. It was clean, had a great atmosphere, privacy was perfect, and traffic was homely, 5 out of 5 in all categories. the fifth floor of Kennesaw Hall has everything you could want in a bathroom. 

After you could take a walk onto the balcony and look down on all of campus. 

Pro-tips: If you ever get the chance to make the visit, don't miss it. Everything on the fifth floor is seriously high class, from the wood panels, to the bathroom, just make sure you are not underdressed as no one else on the floor will be. 

Wilson Annex


Wowzers... thats not a word, and we should not pretend that it is, also its awful. But good golly gee is this building nice. When Joel and I started this blog, this is exactly the gem we were hoping to stumble upon. The Wilson Annex is used for... Well I'm not really sure, they have a theater and I am not sure what else goes on in there.
The bathrooms in this building are great, really everything you could hope for. Only two bathrooms one per floor. We ranked the building with a perfect score on all of our metrics except for traffic which we put an asterisk next to because of possible theater traffic. aside from the unusual traffic the Wilson Annex scores perfect in cleanliness, privacy, and atmosphere. This is really the perfect building for our blog, and even includes all the automatic amenities short of the blades (featured in Priliman).

Pro-tip: This is utopia, if you want some alone time there is even a personal stall on the second floor. The best part of this building is no one really knows about it.


Wilson Building (Stillwell Theater)

Wilson Building (aka Stillwell Theater)
Kennesaw State is home to some really cool buildings, and unfortunately a few that are not so cool. The Stillwell Theater is a great example of the not so cool buildings offered by the college. While the Wilson building surely had its glory days, and cool parts like the black box theater and the small museum housed within, the building now seems old and musty. If you like comparisons, the building has a very similar feel to the old section of the English building, if not a little nicer.

Alas the bathrooms in the Wilson building are not much to boast. The large building has only two bathrooms throughout, and with classes a theater, and museum not nearly enough for my taste. On other metrics of our rating scale the building rated not poorly and not well, but simply average. We gave it a 3 out of 5 for both Cleanliness and Traffic, because while at times there could be many people in the building and consequently more people in the facilities, the building has relatively low traffic (or at least average), despite the small number of bathrooms. The Atmosphere did not fair as well in the rankings, scoring 2 of a possible 5. This is because of the state of the buildings age, it has not been left to disrepair but the age is visible throughout the building. finally the privacy was sufficient in the building, as the only metric that ranked above 3, with a 4 out of 5.  As for automatic amenities like sinks, toilettes, and hand dryers, don't hold your breath. Finally we would rank the building a 3 of 5 overall, not royal, not horrific, but a solid "okay."

Pro-tips: Usually I wouldn't tease you to read another blog but if you are already here and looking for a good bathroom check out my next post on the Wilson Annex (spoiler, its awesome).


Monday, April 21, 2014

Prilliman Hall


Prilliman Hall is the newest building on the Kennesaw State campus besides the Zuckerman Art Museum (not Zuckerberg, made that mistake). As the newest building here I had incredibly high expectations for the bathrooms. My expectations apparently weren't high enough. No need to try to be witty about this building or these bathrooms cause they are too good for that. I almost didn't feel worthy for these bathrooms. So let's dive straight in here.

There are an incredible 6 bathrooms in the halls of Prilliman and they are exquisite. Since the majority of the activities that go on in Prilliman revolve around Nursing or Doctor related activities everyone expects the bathrooms to be clean. They are. They are the cleanest bathrooms on campus. Cleanliness Rating 5/5. Since there are an astounding 6 bathrooms here the traffic is fairly low. On top of that it's the Nursing building. There are approximately 7 male nursing students here (just a guess). There are virtually no guys in the bathrooms higher than the first floor. Due to this fact the traffic rating is 5/5. When it comes to the Atmosphere of the Prilliman bathrooms few bathrooms on campus can compare. Whether it is the automatic sinks and toilets, or the super cool Blade hand dryers this is by far the best atmospheric bathroom at KSU. Also on the 4th floor there is a handicap button you can press to open the door for you. So if you're willing to go up to the 4th floor but too lazy to open a door then this is the bathroom for you. Atmosphere Rating 5/5. Because the traffic is so low and there are so many bathrooms plus adequate privacy measures in each bathroom the Privacy Rating is 5/5. Finally we come to the real reason this building is the best place to relieve yourself. There are three bathrooms on the first floor, one normal and two singe person bathrooms. One is located on the side of the building furthest from the Commons and features a toilet, and a shower. Yes, a shower. With a bench in it. So you can take a lazy shower. The third bathroom on the first floor is back in the "Locker" room. When you walk in there is a table, two chairs and several lockers. To your left is the bathroom. This is the Holy Grail of bathrooms here at KSU. A shower, a clean toilet, nice floors, there is even a flower in a vase to make you feel at home. Scratch that. This bathroom is nicer than my bathroom at home. Go here.

Overall the bathrooms in Prilliman Hall are absolutely incredible. There simply isn't a match for this building. Even without the two bathrooms with showers in them, this building takes the cake. Overall Rating is 5 out of 5 stars.

Pro Tip: Step 1 - Realize you have to go. Step 2 - Walk to Prilliman. Step 3 - Find the locker room bathroom. Step 4 - Use this bathroom. Step 5 - Never be the same.

 - Plunkett 

The Commons


People say 87% of statistics are made up on the spot. Well I'm pretty sure 87% of students that go to KSU decided to come here solely because of the Commons. The Commons certainly didn't work against KSU in my book. Whether you're a freshman eating here 128 times a year or a senior eating here just 8 times a year, the Commons is a great place to go to eat just about whatever you want. While this blog is focused on bathrooms, I'm going to inform you about the food as well, because I believe that the two are directly related. The pizza is hit or miss, if it doesn't pass the flop test, i.e. its as stiff as cardboard, don't eat the pizza. The sandwiches are good and wraps are better. There is usually some type of meat available at the end of the salad bar like steak, chicken, or tofu.. Wait tofu? Ignore that bit. Highway 41 has your diner-esque menu with burgers, fries, and philly cheese steaks. Very greasy but overall pretty good. Globetrotters has something different everyday from around the world. Not a week ago they had 3 different types of potatoes available. Mmm, starch. Apron Strings is my personal favorite as I feel like I am eating a home cooked meal. If my home was Huddle House that is, but still pretty good. Don't forget about Wok Your Way, which now has a different name. Come here for Chinese food such as fried rice, and sweet and sour pork. Then walk to the other side of Wok Your Way you can find tacos.. Wait what again? Mexican food and Chinese food from the same kitchen? That's like Taco Bell and the Chinese places in the mall being in the same building. Although I must say the tacos are quite good. Get the chicken, avoid the fish. In fact this brings up a good Pro Tip. Avoid the fish. The bathrooms in the Commons are nice, but don't spend more time in them than necessary. Fish = Bad. Personal opinion there. My other personal favorite places in the Commons are the coffee bar and dessert bar. Because coffee and dessert. Now, onto the bathrooms.

There are 3 bathrooms in the Commons and they are decent bathrooms. The two downstairs are incredibly crowded and seeing that the Commons is the only place on campus that people from every major go, the traffic is bad. Traffic Rating is 1/5. The bathrooms here aren't terribly clean either resulting in a low Cleanliness Rating of 2/5. The bathrooms are newer, the Commons itself is only 4-5 years old, and with automatic sinks, toilets, soap dispensers, and automatic hand dryers you basically don't have to touch anything. A germophobe's dream. Atmosphere Rating 4/5. With dividers between urinals and little space between stall doors the Commons receives a Privacy Rating of 4/5. One of the biggest disappointments I have had with the bathrooms here at KSU is the lack of good, clever, and funny graffiti in the bathrooms. Thank you random graffiti man in the Commons. Someone who thinks them self quite the philosophist, wrote "How can one keep warm in this cold world?" Or something along those lines. And what did one clever individual offer as great wisdom? A Blanket. Clever. Graffiti Rating 4/5.

Overall the Commons doesn't have the best bathrooms. As the only building on campus guaranteed to have people using the restroom I would've liked to have seen better bathrooms. the Commons receives an Overall Rating of 3 out of 5 stars.

Pro Tip: The 2nd floor bathroom is by far the best in the building. Less traffic and more privacy (plus the aforementioned graffiti) make this bathroom your best bet bathroom.

- Plunkett

Willingham Hall


Willingham Hall. Have you ever been there? I know I hadn't. If this blog has achieved anything it has made me see every building on campus. Somehow over the last 4 years I have spent on the campus of KSU I have never found my way into Willingham Hall. Once I walked into Willingham Hall I realized why I had never been there. There are few classrooms in Willingham, but there are several services departments. There is some freshmen advising that goes on here, but on a more imprtant note this is where the Veterans Services center is located. Here at the Gentlemen's Almanac we have the utmost respect for our Veterans. This building houses the service center to help those who fought so bravely so that people like you and me could attend this school. 10 points to Willingham. Also housed in Willingham Hall are some offices of the Honors department. The mystery as to why I have never been in this building has now been solved..

Anyways, onto the bathrooms. When walking through Willingham Hall you will find 1 bathroom. I'm sure there is another one somewhere in the building, most likely located back in the offices. We did not venture back into the offices because let's be real, when you walk into the office someone is going to be there to ask you if they can help you. No one is going to answer "I just need to use the restroom." Awkward. So just stick with the one bathroom on the first floor. When you walk into the bathroom you expect it to be a little older, but then you will be pleasantly surprised. The bathrooms are better than I expected from an older building, although there were no automatic amenities, which led to an Atmosphere Rating of 3/5. As soon as we walked into the bathrooms I knew the bathrooms only had paper towels to dry your hands because they were scattered all over the floor. Other than the paper towels on the floor the bathrooms were fairly clean, and the paper towels aren't the bathrooms fault. It's people's fault. Seriously people. There are trash cans for a reason.. Anyways the bathrooms were clean enough to receive a Cleanliness Rating of 3/5. While there is only 1 bathroom we could find there isn't a high volume of people here so the Traffic Rating was a solid 3/5. The best part about the Willingham Hall bathrooms was the level of privacy. Plenty of divider between you and the random guy at the next urinal and adequate coverage on the stall doors lead to a Privacy Rating of 4/5.

Overall Willingham Hall is a good spot to go to the bathroom if you are around. Willingham is tucked away between several buildings and more than likely you may make it through your entire college career without having to go in there. However, if you are close and need to go to the restroom, Willingham Hall is a good place to go. Overall Rating is 3 out of 5 stars.

Pro Tip: Willingham Hall has lower traffic and is better than some of the surrounding buildings. Take a 30 minute break from your class in University College and come one over to Willingham. It's worth it.

- Plunkett

Monday, April 14, 2014

Social Sciences Building


The Social Sciences Building is one of the biggest and best buildings that KSU has to offer, rivaled only by the great Prilliman Nursing Building. 
The Social Sciences building is plenty large but has only one bathroom per floor, (which is still an impressive 5 bathrooms), because of the limited number of bathrooms and the large number of students who use the Social Sciences building every day, we ranked the Traffic as busy as possible with a 1 of 5. Aside from the traffic, the Social Sciences building ranks very well, with a cleanliness rating of 5. The new building has a great atmosphere, bathroom sinks of stone, and plenty of automatic amenities in the bathroom to keep the heart content because of this Social Sciences building gets a atmosphere rating of 5 out of 5. Additionally the building ranks well in Privacy, with a sufficient number of stalls and urinals, and all the other necessities (4 of 5). 

Pro tips: this building is great, I would make my way here if not for the traffic issue. 
The 4th floor is the way to go, not only are the 4th and 5th floor going to suffer from the least traffic, but the 4th floor even has a shower tucked away in the back. 


Monday, April 7, 2014

Visual and Commercial Arts Building

The Visual and Commercial Arts Building is now 13 years old. At the time the state-of-the-art building, opened in 2001 and along with the Library, has helped to usher in the new era of KSU as we know it.

The Arts building is not necessarily the newest, and has only 2 bathrooms available in the entire 3 floor building. Because of the limited number of bathrooms, the Art building scores poorly on with a 2 out of 5 (5 being the least traffic), and with the advancing years of the building the Atmosphere has begun to suffer (2 of 5). The Privacy rating is another area that the Art building scores only 2 of 5, because of the absence of dividers between urinals. The only place the building scored well was in Cleanliness with a 4 of 5.
Plunkett and I were throughly disappointed by the Art building, not only because of the of the low scores but especially because of the graffiti the building had to offer, it wasn't clever and it wasn't vulgar either, in fact the art building had none to offer at all, which was surprising and boring, as we were looking forward to the entertainment.

Pro tips: there isn't a lot to give here, the building is bad, maybe find another place.
it is worth mentioning that the second floor stores all of the toilette paper in the open, as well as a floor Zamboni (but really just a floor waxer).


The Convocation Center

The Convocation Center is the home of our KSU Owls Basketball team and the HPS classes at KSU.

The Convocation Center may have only 3 bathrooms, but no other building can boast the number of toilettes quiet like the Convocation Center. The Convocation Center boasts an impressive 9 stalls and 8 urinals on the main (2nd) floor, thats enough for you and 16 other really weird friends to all do your business at the same time. Aside from games the building offers little to no traffic, but when it rains it pours, so we had to give the building a 3 of 5 in traffic because there is often someone using the facilities. Fear not though as the building ranks well in all other areas. We gave the building a 5 of 5 as on cleanliness with someone always cleaning. The Atmosphere is incredible as well, the bathrooms have great tiles in the buildings showing of our school colors of black and gold, and a brand new Atmosphere overall (5 of 5). The Convocation Center privacy is also incredible, scoring 5 of 5.

Pro tips:
Check the top floor for a bathroom stall that has a full door reaching from floor to ceiling for an amazing amount of privacy.
The bottom floor has a bathroom that is rarely used as well and opens directly to the basketball court so that you can feel like a real athlete prepping for the big game.


Kennesaw Hall

Ah, Kennesaw Hall. A building where students go to figure out money, jobs, and freshman go to get "advised." Kennesaw Hall is technically two buildings, including Bagwell, but we decided to keep them all together. So we have advisers and future teachers all in one building. Here we go.

Kennesaw Hall has a total of 5 bathrooms and they had consistency throughout. While the bathrooms weren't super nice each bathroom had 2 urinals and a stall. However the bathrooms were older and resulted in an Atmosphere rating of 2/5. Besides the atmosphere the rest of the criteria were met to a high standard. The bathrooms were kept clean and smelled quite nice. Cleanliness 4/5. There aren't a lot of people in Kennesaw Hall so there isn't a ton of traffic. Traffic rating 4/5. There is also adequate spacing between the stalls and dividers between the urinals. Privacy rating 4/5. There was no Graffiti in any of the bathrooms. The bathrooms featured automatic sinks and toilets, but the paper towels were rolls that you grabbed yourself. Not ok these days.

Overall the Kennesaw Hall bathrooms were excellent, and clean. You can't ask for much more than these things. Because of this Kennesaw Hall received 4 out of 5 stars.

Pro Tip - The third floor of the Bagwell side of Kennesaw Hall is by far the best. Practically no traffic, and clean bathrooms allow you to take care of business in peace.

- Plunkett

The English Building (Old Half)

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The English Building (New Half)

The English Building 
Oh the English Building. It was hard for me to be unbiased as I reviewed this building mostly because I hate English with a burning passion. Luckily Joel N. was able to keep a level head as we seethed our way through the building. All hate aside the English building is an enigma on KSU's campus. Half of the building is new and clean and immaculate, and the other half makes Waffle House bathrooms seem like they are fit for kings... Because of this fact it isn't fair for the new half of the English building to be grouped in with this atrocity so we decided to split the building up into two separate entries. This post covers the New Half of the English Building. Let's go.

The first thing you have to watch out for in the New English Building is the doors. While clearly marked push or pull, if you aren't paying attention you may look like a fool when you try to push a door and nothing happens. Trust me. People will laugh at you. That has nothing to do with bathrooms, that was just a free piece of wisdom that you should take seriously. Now moving on to the bathrooms. There are 3 bathrooms in this half of the English Building and they are well maintained. While there are only 3 bathrooms there is another half to this building which cuts down on the amount of traffic. Traffic rating 3/5. The bathrooms are fairly new, the building is still fairly new as a whole, and they are kept quite clean. Atmosphere rating 4/5 and cleanliness rating 4/5. Don't like having space between the doors? Go to the New English Building and feel at home. Privacy rating 4/5. Not only did the bathrooms not have any graffiti they had transparent plastic barriers covering the walls to keep people from writing on the walls. Clearly the English department would rather people write papers than write graffiti. The biggest downfall of this building  is the fact that there are no automatic amenities. No automatic sinks, toilets, or soap dispensers. What bathroom doesn't have automatic amenities? Even the paper towels aren't automatic. You have to actually use your hands to grab the towel, and then pull. Absurd.

The New Half of the English Building is overall a great building for bathroom use. They are quiet and clean, and not heavily trafficked. These bathrooms are an excellent place to go if you are in need of a convenient spot, or if you're in the Library (if you don't know why then go read the review for the Library here: Overall the New Half of the English receives a 3/5. Not your best option, but certainly a good place to go, literally and yes, pun intended.

Pro Tip - The best bathroom in this building is far and away on the 3rd floor. I didn't even know their was a 3rd floor and that was reason enough for me to believe that this was the best place to go. It has the least traffic and was the cleanest in the building. Go here for the best experience in this building.

- Plunkett