Monday, April 28, 2014

Wilson Annex


Wowzers... thats not a word, and we should not pretend that it is, also its awful. But good golly gee is this building nice. When Joel and I started this blog, this is exactly the gem we were hoping to stumble upon. The Wilson Annex is used for... Well I'm not really sure, they have a theater and I am not sure what else goes on in there.
The bathrooms in this building are great, really everything you could hope for. Only two bathrooms one per floor. We ranked the building with a perfect score on all of our metrics except for traffic which we put an asterisk next to because of possible theater traffic. aside from the unusual traffic the Wilson Annex scores perfect in cleanliness, privacy, and atmosphere. This is really the perfect building for our blog, and even includes all the automatic amenities short of the blades (featured in Priliman).

Pro-tip: This is utopia, if you want some alone time there is even a personal stall on the second floor. The best part of this building is no one really knows about it.


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