Monday, April 7, 2014

Kennesaw Hall

Ah, Kennesaw Hall. A building where students go to figure out money, jobs, and freshman go to get "advised." Kennesaw Hall is technically two buildings, including Bagwell, but we decided to keep them all together. So we have advisers and future teachers all in one building. Here we go.

Kennesaw Hall has a total of 5 bathrooms and they had consistency throughout. While the bathrooms weren't super nice each bathroom had 2 urinals and a stall. However the bathrooms were older and resulted in an Atmosphere rating of 2/5. Besides the atmosphere the rest of the criteria were met to a high standard. The bathrooms were kept clean and smelled quite nice. Cleanliness 4/5. There aren't a lot of people in Kennesaw Hall so there isn't a ton of traffic. Traffic rating 4/5. There is also adequate spacing between the stalls and dividers between the urinals. Privacy rating 4/5. There was no Graffiti in any of the bathrooms. The bathrooms featured automatic sinks and toilets, but the paper towels were rolls that you grabbed yourself. Not ok these days.

Overall the Kennesaw Hall bathrooms were excellent, and clean. You can't ask for much more than these things. Because of this Kennesaw Hall received 4 out of 5 stars.

Pro Tip - The third floor of the Bagwell side of Kennesaw Hall is by far the best. Practically no traffic, and clean bathrooms allow you to take care of business in peace.

- Plunkett

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