Monday, March 3, 2014

Math and Statistics Building

The Math and Statistics Building on the
campus of Kennesaw State

The beginning of a journey that will excite, and slightly terrify those involved. The Gentlemen's Almanac to KSU has begun with the Math and Statistics building. Located just off of the student center the Math and Stat building features three bathrooms, which is one per floor.
The bathrooms were not filthy, but were not very clean either. Unflushed toilets, toilet paper on the ground are just a few of the reasons these bathrooms received a cleanliness rating of 3/5.
Because there are only three bathrooms for all three floors of this building the bathrooms can become heavily trafficked. Traffic rating is 2/5.
The Math and Stat building just feels old. Especially the bathrooms which feature a limited number of automatic amenities (just sinks on the 3rd floor) and these bathrooms are stuck in the stone age with paper towels to dry your hands. Atmosphere rating of 2/5. There is no graffiti and none of the restrooms are full of glory, if you know what I mean.. so there is nothing to fear in this building. The biggest downfall of the Math and Stat building bathrooms is the lack of privacy. The stall are decently private but the urinals have no divider between them. If there was an eighth deadly sin, no divider between the urinals is definitely in the running. Privacy rating of 1/5.
Overall rating is 3/5. Don't avoid them, but certainly don't go looking for them either.


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