Monday, March 3, 2014

The Math Half of the Clendenin Building


I don't know if you've ever been in the Clendenin Building but it encompasses both the Math and Science departments. AKA it is a big A building (pardon my letters). Due to the fact that the building is really made up of two buildings Joel N. and I have decided to separate the two buildings into their own ratings. So let's focus on some math.
The Math building features a measly three bathrooms. This number is just far too low and increases the amount of traffic significantly. Traffic rating of 2/5. The bathrooms were newer on the other hand featuring nice burnt orange counters and automatic soap dispensers. I know burnt orange counter tops sound awful, but give 'em a chance. Atmosphere rating is 4/5. That being said the only automatic amenities in this building are the soap dispensers and you have to use paper towels to dry your hands. These bathrooms also had the user in mind with incredibly private bathrooms. Not a lot of space between the door on the stalls, and adequate dividers between the urinals make you feel almost at home. Privacy rating is 4/5.  The bathrooms weren't clean. They were bad. Cleanliness rating 2/5. These bathrooms are not filled with glory, but there was some graffiti. Not the kind of graffiti that makes you chuckle because deep down inside you still think like a middle school boy, but the kind that makes you thankful that there is a toilet next to you so that you don't have to go too far to puke. Graffiti rating 1/5 for vulgar graffiti.
Overall the Math half of the Clendenin Building is not great. Overall rating of 2/5. If you're already there, go for it, but don't waste your time walking to that building for the bathrooms, or classes really.. nobody really likes math. Just sayin'.


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