Monday, March 3, 2014

The Science Half of the Clendenin Building

Clendenin Building on the Campus
of Kennesaw State
Previously on The Gentlemen's Almanac to KSU, bad graffiti, filth, and burnt orange counter tops led to a 2/5 rating for the Math half of the Clandenin Building. The Science half however made the math half look like an amateur. The Science half has bathrooms down to scientific greatness. I'm really bad about puns.. Let's dive in.
The Science half of the Clendenin building starts with a bang with a private unisex bathroom on each floor, as well as a regular bathroom for a total of 6 bathrooms (3 regular & 3 private). Because there are so many the traffic is low receiving a rating of 5/5. All of the bathrooms were clean and new with automatic sinks, hand dryers, and toilets. Cleanliness rating 4/5, and Atmosphere rating of 5/5. No graffiti and no glory. By far the best bathrooms yet to be reviewed and really only has one building to worry about, but that'll come later. The only downside to these bathrooms is that, unless you are a science major you never go to the Clendenin Building. It's the building furthest away from everything except University Place, and the best bathroom in the building is on the top floor.
However inconvenient the placement may be, if you are looking for the best bathroom on KSU's campus the Science half of the Clendenin Building definitely has to be on the short list. Overall rating is 5/5. Go here for peace and serenity, and an all around great bathroom experience.


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